Holy Feast and Holy Fast
Caroline Walker Bynum
Not Available
The Gold Standard and the Logic of Naturalism
Walter Benn Michaels
Mexican Ballads, Chicano Poems
José E. Limón
Dearest Beloved
T. Walter Herbert
Romancing the Past
Gabrielle M. Spiegel
Carnal Israel
Daniel Boyarin
Trials of Authorship
Jonathan Crewe
Literary Practice and Social Change in Britain, 1380-1530
Lee Patterson
Mexico at the World's Fairs
Mauricio Tenorio-Trillo
Behind the Scenes
Adrian Frazier
Dilemmas of Enlightenment
Oscar Kenshur
Writing and Rebellion
Steven Justice
Inscribing the Time
Eric S. Mallin
Resistant Structures
Richard Strier
The Mirror of Herodotus
François Hartog and 1 more